A vision for a climate-friendly OMV

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What can a climate-friendly OMV look like?

The task of stabilizing our climate system and thus safeguarding the basis of human life is clear: We must continuously reduce greenhouse gas emissions and bring them to zero by 2050. The scientific community is clear on this goal. A large proportion of the emissions caused by humans to date have come from the production and combustion of fossil energy, i.e. coal, oil and gas. Accordingly, reducing them is key to reducing greenhouse gases. OMV can make a contribution to this - but this requires a real transformation to a green company and an exit plan for oil and gas.

How can OMV contribute to a greener future?

OMV can contribute to the development of climate-friendly energy resources and raw material supply with its specific know-how. Examples include chemical process engineering for energy carriers and secondary raw materials based on renewable raw and residual materials and waste streams; exploration and production of geothermal energy; the development and execution of large-scale, capital-intensive projects; and, in general, a role as a "big player" to be a strong strategic partner for innovative start-ups.

Example geothermal energy & aviation

One example is geothermal energy: since OMV is not only experienced in drilling, but also has extensive knowledge of the geological situation in Austria, OMV could develop geothermal energy - directly as a heat source and for electricity generation. And there are other possibilities as well: For aviation, for example, sustainable solutions are still lacking; but the oil and gas industry is ideally positioned to develop these solutions. In the medium term, this will require a climate-friendly substitute for kerosene that can be obtained from biological residues, for example. What is needed is a liquid fuel with a high energy density comparable to kerosene. With the experience to produce fuels of all kinds, the oil and gas industry can work on these solutions.

Want to learn more? Click here for the Greenpeace dossier Vision OMV - Options for a climate-friendly business model" (2017, German only)

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to transform OMV into a better, more sustainable company

No one wants to see the environment destroyed and the opportunity to live on a healthy planet taken from future generations. The primary responsibility for building and shaping a truly environmental-friendly world lies within the hands of companies and politicians. But sadly here we often see only empty words instead of real climate and environmental ambition.

Have you observed something like this at OMV? Have you noticed that the marketing department talks about environmental protection and in everyday business the opposite is done? Have you noticed that environmental damage is accepted if it leads to better financial results? Do you have indications that your company lobbies against climate legislation or disregards environmental protection regulations?

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