No one wants to see the environment destroyed and the opportunity to live on a healthy planet taken from future generations. The primary responsibility for building and shaping a truly environmental-friendly world lies within the hands of companies and politicians. Many of these abuses take place behind closed doors. In order to uncover them, we rely on tips from the inside.

What is the Greenpeace Whistleblower Box?

Via the Greenpeace Whistleblower Box you can send us your insights, meaningful documents and files confidentially and anonymously. We will examine your information and follow up on the leads.

Why should I contact Greenpeace?

We all live on the same planet, that we call our home. We have to protect our home together - that's more important than ever. And that includes not looking the other way when the environment is being destroyed. But we know how difficult it can be to address transgressions in one's own environment (e.g. at work) and to stand up to superiors. People who want to change something can therefore often only do so anonymously and need help from the outside. Greenpeace can provide this support and has years of experience in helping to uncover wrong-doings. With your anonymous report you can set the change in motion!

How does Greenpeace guarantee my anonymity?

The Greenpeace Whistleblower Box is based on the Business Keeper Monitoring System - BKMS® System for short - which has been certified by many independent institutions and is used by companies worldwide as part of compliance guidelines. Clients of the BKMS® System include the Austrian National Bank, the Financial Market Authority and the Police Baden-Württemberg. More information are available at

As long as you do not enter any data yourself that allows conclusions to be drawn about your person, the BKMS® system protects your anonymity technically. The overriding principle of the BKMS® procedure in use is the protection of the whistleblower. The system's anonymity protection function is certified by an independent body.

The technology behind the BKMS® System will enable you to stay anonymous if you so wish. If you would like to remain anonymous, please do not submit any personal information, e.g., your name or relationship with those involved. Also, please do not submit any information that can be traced back to you. If possible, do not submit your report through a technical device (e.g., PC, laptop, smartphone) provided by your employer.

Help us

to transform OMV into a better, more sustainable company

No one wants to see the environment destroyed and the opportunity to live on a healthy planet taken from future generations. The primary responsibility for building and shaping a truly environmental-friendly world lies within the hands of companies and politicians. But sadly here we often see only empty words instead of real climate and environmental ambition.

Have you observed something like this at OMV? Have you noticed that the marketing department talks about environmental protection and in everyday business the opposite is done? Have you noticed that environmental damage is accepted if it leads to better financial results? Do you have indications that your company lobbies against climate legislation or disregards environmental protection regulations?

Don't let these things weigh on your conscience.

Get in touch with us – completely anonymous & secure – via the Greenpeace Whistleblower box!